Organisation and management

The programmes are under the auspices of the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education. Kolding School of Design is headed by the Rector, who is employed by and refers to the school’s Board of Directors, who have overall responsibility for the school.


The management of the school is undertaken by the school’s heads of department – the Prorector, the Head of Administration, the Head of Education, the Head of Research – and the Rector. In the day-to-day management of Kolding School of Design, the Rector is assisted by the management team/rectorate.


Eva Kappel

Head of Education
Lab for Sustainability and Design, Lab for Play and Design, Lab for Social Design, Rectorat

Lene Nyhus Friis

Project Director and Head of Lab for Play and Design, Lab for Social Design and Lab for Sustainability and Design

Trine Lumbye

Interim Rector (Head of administration and pro-rector)
Board of Directors

External representatives

Board of directors

Hans Christian Asmussen

Bestyrelsesmedlem, ejer af NATION
Board of directors

Karsten Uno Petersen

Bestyrelsessuppleant, regionsrådsmedlem, Region Syddanmark
Board of directors

Merete Due Paarup

Næstformand, byrådsmedlem, Kolding Kommune
Board of directors

Michael Qvortrup

Board of directors

Nanna Ulrich Gudum

Bestyrelsesforperson, designchef ved LEGO Group
Board of directors

Rune Kirt

Bestyrelsesmedlem, CEO, KIRT x THOMSEN

Internal representatives

August Rizzi

Studieambassadør, medlem af DSR og repræsentant i bestyrelsen

Eva Kappel

Head of Education
Lab for Play and Design

Helle Graabæk

Teaching Associate Professor, Programme Manager of Textile Design, Lab for Play and Design
Study Administration

Karina Sørensen

Study Administrative Employee
Lab for Sustainability and Design, Lab for Play and Design, Lab for Social Design, Rectorat

Lene Nyhus Friis

Project Director and Head of Lab for Play and Design, Lab for Social Design and Lab for Sustainability and Design

Trine Lumbye

Interim Rector (Head of administration and pro-rector)
Board of Representatives

The Board of Representatives

The Board of Representatives at Kolding School of Design elects the school's board and serves as a contact and debate forum to support the school's development. The Board of Representatives consists of members appointed by various professional associations.
  • Rune Kirt, CEO, Architect & Co-founder, KIRTxTHOMSEN (member of the Board of Directors), appointed by Design Denmark
  • Carsten Nguyen Henriksen, Independent Brand Design Consultant; Carsten Henriksen Studio, appointed by Design Denmark
  • Louise W. Klinker, Design Thinking Director, 1508, appointed by Design Denmark.
  • Hans Christian Asmussen, Designer, owner of NATiON (member of the Board of Directors), appointed by the Danish Arts and Crafts Association
  • Lene Thomasen, Textile Designer, owner of Tekstilwerk, appointed by the Danish Arts and Crafts Association
  • Karsten Uno Petersen, Member of the Regional Council (alternate member, the Board of Directors), appointed by the Region of Southern Denmark
  • Merete Due Paarup, Member of the City Council, Kolding Municipality (vice chairperson of the Board of Directors and the Board of Representatives), appointed by Kolding Municipality
  • Bo Ulsøe, CEO, Blunico A/S, appointed by the Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
  • Lise Thomsen, Head of Subject, DI Kreative Erhverv, appointed by the Confederation of Danish Industry
  • Morten Bach Jensen, Group Vice President, Grundfos Holding A/S, appointed by the Confederation of Danish Industry
  • Michael Qvortrup, Design Manager, Industrial Designer, Artlinco (member of the Board of Directors), appointed by the Confederation of Danish Industry
  • Kresten Bjørn Krab-Bjerre, Creative Director, Atelier, Bang & Olufsen A/S, appointed by the Confederation of Danish Industry
  • Anne Qvist, Architect MAA & industrial designer, Anne Qvist Design Office, appointed by the Danish Academic Architects’ Association
  • Morten Dybro, Head of Sales and Development, Dansih Fashion & Textiles, appointed by Dansk Fashion & Textiles
  • Sara Marie Alvad, CEO, 1508 Aarhus, appointed by the IT Industry
  • Ida Hartmann, Freelance Story Person, Illustrator & Comic Artist,, appointed by the Danish Producers' Association
  • Farid Fellah, CEO, Rosan Bosch Studio, appointed by the Danish Chamber of Commerce
  • Berit Anne Larsen, Director of Learning and Interpretation, Statens Museum for Kunst (SMK), appointed by the Organisation Danish Museums
  • Frederikke Antonie Schmidt, Founder & Creative director, roccamore, appointed by the Danish Entrepreneurs' Association
  • Nanna Ulrich Gudum, Head of Design, LEGO Group (chairperson of the Board of Directors and the Board of Representatives), external representatives appointed by the Board of Directors


Learn more about the quality assurance of the courses at Kolding School of Design

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