Designing for pedagogical competencies and a bodily engaging playful learning approach
- PhD student
Lise Hostrup Sønnichsen
- Play and Design
- Collaboration partners
- Design School Kolding (Lab for Play and Design) and UC SYD (Research Dept. and the Teacher and Pedagogue Programme)
About the project
The most recent evaluation of the teacher education program pinpoints its inability to prepare teacher education students to work with innovative processes and movement in teaching (Danish Agency for Research and Education 2018). The abilities of pedagogue education students to initiate movement and creative activities are likewise deemed insufficient (Danish Professional Colleges 2019). In the teacher education programme it is, consequently, the individual professor's personal view that decides whether or not movement is included in the teaching. Only 12 per cent of students experience that their professors focus on integrating movement in the teaching, and, in turn, only 14 per cent of professors believe that their students will be able to integrate movement in their own teaching after completing the education (Styrelsen for Forskning og Uddannelse 2018).
On the contrary narratives are both a well-known driver in play designs (Gudiksen & Skovbjerg 2020) and common in didactic approaches in the education of pedagogical personnel, which is why the use of narratives as a component in Play designs could be a potential “didactic bridge” between the vision of a more bodily engaging approach and the vision of a more playful approach. With this project I hope to contribute with knowledge on how, why or why not to use a bodily engaging and narrative approach when designing for playful learning in teacher and pedagogue education.
The project explores the impact on students’ Playful Learning participatory identity in class through design experiments that include the use of narratives and bodily engaging learning activities.
Additionally, it will explore how to design activities that engage students in developing their own competencies in facilitating bodily engaging Playful Learning.
Methods and results
Design-Based Research will be the overall methodology and the empirical basis will be derived from experiments designed in iterative collaborations with actors in teacher and pedagogue education at UC SYD. It will be a paper-based dissertation contributing to local and general knowledge on Playful Learning designs in the education of pedagogical personnel.