Student life

The Castle Lake, Kolding Castle, 6000 Kolding
Design By Kolding
Kolding is a city and a village rolled into one. It has more than 87,000 inhabitants and is conveniently located in the heart of Denmark with easy access to the capitals of Europe.
The city is known for its beautiful countryside, its rich and varied cultural life and for putting design on the map!
Literally Kolding is filled with design institutions ranging from educational institutions, design museums and innovation houses to the international branding effort, Danish Design and Architecture Initiative, and not least a local government that wants design.
Kolding is both a university city and a commercial centre with easy access to the motorway and train and bus services, and Billund Airport is only half an hour's drive away.

Town festival, Axeltorv, 6000 Kolding
University city Kolding
Kolding is a university city with lots of students and lots of student activities. It houses a number of educational institutions: University of Southern Denmark, University College Syd and IBA (International Business Academy).

Living in Kolding
Many students choose to complete their studies in Kolding and there are a lot of educations to choose from. Finding accommodation near the educational institutions is relatively easy and the city has a lot to offer in terms of cultural and student activities.

The Student Council (De Studerendes Råd, DSR)
The Student Council (De Studerendes Råd, DSR) is a student union that strives to create the best conditions for Design School Kolding students. This can mean many things and that is exactly what the Council does. They focus on anything from educational politics on a national scale to improving the workshop conditions.
All of the DSR board members are students at the school and each class has a council representative. If you have an idea or if their is something you miss or feel dissatisfied about, please contact your class representative or the chairman or vice chairman of DSR.

The Graffiti Tunnel, Klostergården, 6000 Kolding, 2024
The Study Board
The Study Board at Kolding School of Design is the body that, together with the Head of Education and the Study Administration, discusses and agrees on the formal frameworks for the content, planning, and execution of the programmes. The Study Board oversees the academic level of teaching and contributes to ensuring and developing the quality of both the programmes and the teaching.
The Study Board makes decisions on applications for credit transfers and exemptions, issues recommendations for quality assurance and the development of education and teaching, provides statements regarding the follow-up on education and teaching evaluations, approves proposals for study regulations and any changes to them, approves new and significantly revised course descriptions, contributes to ensuring and developing the study environment, and helps qualify the organisation of teaching. Both lecturers and students are represented on the Study Board, with four representatives and two alternates for both lecturers and students. Approximately three meetings are held per semester.

Grafitti, Låsbygade, 6000 Kolding, 2024
Student Manual
Access to Kolding School of Design
As a student you have access to the school around the clock with the iLoq application.
Reception open hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8.30 - 15.00
Friday: 8.30 - 14.00
Saturday and Sunday closed
Contact reception Elisabeth Lehner
DK Graduate is a network for individuals who have completed their education at Design School Kolding. Here you are offered e.g. network meetings, relevant newsletters, new DSKD publications and invitations to exciting lectures, seminars, etc.
Join the DK Graduate group on LinkedIn.
Contact Head of Stydy Administration Jette Ladegaard Garnæs
Association and Board
Please see Student Association, and Study Board futhter down.
AV equipment
You have the option of borrowing AV equipment in connection with projects, including a camera for photo and video projects, Go-Pro, microphones, headphones, cables, tripod for camera and iPhone, Zoom device for recording audio, lighting equipment for video and iPads.
Don't forget your student ID.
Contact AV-manager, Workshop Manager - Foto, Digital Printing Alain Villa Monteiro
The school has a bicycle that can be borrowed for a day at a time.
Contact Service and Event Manager Mette Thrane Frandsen
Board of Directors
Two representatives from the Students' Association are members of the school's Board of Directors The school is under the auspices of the The Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science and is a self-governing institution with its own board and a Board of Representatives consisting of designers and members of the business community. The head of the school is the Rector, who is appointed by and reports to the school's Board, which has the overall responsibility for the school's activities.
The Board of Directors is elected from among the members of a Board of Representatives, who are professionals with expertise from the design industry and the business community.
Business Lunch
Business Lunch is an arrangement, where businesses can meet engaged students who are interested in collaborating with the business community, either in a traineeship, a study job, a project or a job. It is a collaborative effort between Business Kolding, SDU Kolding, IBA and DSKD.
Contact Head of Stydy Administration Jette Ladegaard Garnæs
The canteen is the school’s meeting place. It offers fresh, healthy dishes. Where possible, the food is organic and made from scratch. The daily lunch buffet includes salads and various dips, dressings and hot dishes – always with a vegetarian option. The canteen also offers freshly baked bread and cake every day. The canteen provides catering for meetings held at the school and for special events throughout the year.
Opening hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8.30 - 14.30
Wednesday 09.30 - 14.30
Friday 8.30 - 13.30
Contact Chef and Head of Canteen Katrine Dissing
Christmas bazaar
A couple of pleasant and traditional days at the school, where current and former students sell their own unique designs. The canteen sells home-made Christmas sweets, gløgg, sandwiches and cakes.
Contact Service and Event Manager Mette Thrane Frandsen
You must tidy up and clean your own study space, and you are also required to clean up after yourself, when you have worked in one of the workshops. An external cleaning service has been hired to take care of the cleaning at the school. But they do not tidy up, so it is the responsibility of all of us to make sure that everything is tidy, pleasant and safe.
Contact Service and Event Manager Mette Thrane Frandsen
Code of Conduct
Design School Kolding is an inclusive and welcoming institution that is open to all regardless of gender, race, skin color, religion or belief, political views, sexual orientation, age, disability, or national, social, or ethnic origin. The institution also upholds freedom of expression for both students and staff within the limits of the criminal law.
The curriculum (see appendix 2) emphasizes that students are expected to behave "considerately and properly" towards other students and staff. This means, among other things, that Design School Kolding encourages open, curious, and respectful dialogue with room for different opinions and perspectives among students and staff. This fosters critical thinking and creativity, creating an enriching learning environment that prepares students for the diverse society they will encounter after completing their education.
Curiosity, consideration, and respectful dialogue, in this context, mean:
- Participating in discussions with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to consider different viewpoints.
- Showing care and empathy in the discussion, even when opinions diverge.
- Avoiding derogatory language and other forms of communication aimed at belittling others.
- Actively listening to others and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to express their thoughts.
It is the responsibility of the teacher to plan and conduct the teaching, including safeguarding the learning environment in various teaching activities (in study spaces, workshops, classrooms, on excursions, etc.).
Therefore, it is always the right and duty of the teacher to facilitate respectful dialogues in the classroom between the teacher and students, as well as among students. Additionally, the teacher has the authority to conclude a dialogue if it is considered irrelevant for the teaching or if the teacher deems it to exceed the boundaries of what can be considered open and respectful dialogue. Students are obligated to follow the instructions given by the teachers (see appendix 2 of the curriculum).
Design School Kolding will not tolerate any abusive behaviour such as bullying or sexual harassment. Therefore it is everyone’s right and duty to pass on information in cases where students or staff exhibit abusive behaviour. At the same time it is our responsibility, each and every one of us, to help prevent or resolve situations that may lead to bullying and sexual harassment.
Every two years at the minimum the school conducts a survey of the mental and physical study environment in the form of a study survey/Learning Barometer, where students are entitled to anonymously indicate whether they feel they have been subjected to abusive behaviour.
Download Code og Conduct (only available in danish)
Contact Senior Consultant Lone André Dalsgaard
As a design student, there is an obvious chance to participate in Danish and international competitions. The school supports such efforts, and you can always get help and guidance from teachers and other staff. The school strives to publish information about all current competitions.
Complaints about evaluations or about Design School Kolding's determinations
Complaints about evaluations
- Complaints about tests are processed according to the regulations in the examination order.
- The reason for the complaint must be in writing and must be delivered to Design School Kolding no later than two weeks after the evaluation has taken place. If extraordinary circumstances apply the school may grant an exemption to this time line.
- A complaint may result in a lower grade than the original one.
Complaints about Design School Kolding's determinations in legal issues:
Design School Kolding's determinations can be brought before the Agency for Higher Education provided the complaint concerns legal issues.
The complaint is sent to Design School Kolding, which gives an opinion. The complainant must then be given the opportunity to comment on the opinion. The deadline for this is minimum 1 week. Design School Kolding then forwards the complaint to the Agency for Higher Education with the institution's statement and any comments the complainant may have attached. The time limit for lodging an appeal is two weeks from the date the complainant has been notified about the decision.
Contact Student Counsellor and Study Administrative Employee Esther Fuchs
Course brief
A course brief is the instructor's road map for the course, which describes how the student can fulfil the learning objectives. Here you can read about the course content and the relevant literature and also view a tentative timerable. It's your responsibility, however, to keep abreast of any changes in the timetable. You can expect the course brief to be uploaded to the course room on ItsLearning no later than two weeks prior to the beginning of the course. If this is not the case, please contact the Study Administration.
Course descriptions
In the course descriptions you can read about the purpose, the learning objectives and the exam formalities of the courses.
Credits transfer
Mandatory credit transfer: If you have completed any relevant design-related study activity at the same educational level (<5 years) you should apply for credit transfer once you have been admitted to the programme.
The Study Board decides whether you are entitled to the credit. At the bachelor's programme, a maximum of 120 ECTS credits can be transferred from a previous programme. A bachelor project cannot receive credit. On the master's programme, a maximum of 60 ECTS credits can be transferred from a previous programme. A master's project cannot receive credit. More information is available in the curriculum.
Credit transferred in advance: In connection with the exchange, which is in the 4th semester of the bachelor's programme, you must apply for credit transfer in advance, if you want to study at another educational institution at home or abroad. The application for advanced transferred credit must be academically well-founded and include a description of the courses and learning objectives you will encounter during the exchange stay. The academic assessment is made for the individual student by the respective heads of subject and is justified in the academic match between the application and the respective educational level and relevance, as well as the equivalence with the educational elements at Design School Kolding that are being replaced. The Study Board processes applications for advanced transferred credit on the basis of the student's application and an academic assessment from the head of subject.
More information is available in the curriculum.
All students are entitled to a locker. Please contact the caretaker to receive the key to your allocated locker. There is a 100 kr. deposit which will be returned to you when you hand back the key.
Contact Property Service Technician Tommy Freudendal
Contact Property Service Technician Simon Tesfamariam Araya
As a student at DSKD, you are enrolled in a curriculum. This curriculum contains descriptions of what you need to learn and how. It describes the rules that apply to the programme you are enrolled in. You are responsible for keeping yourself informed of the rules that apply. The framework for education and curricula is set out in a number of executive orders issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
Go to Curriculum and Course descriptions
Contact Head of Study Eva Kappel
Data Bases
Through DSKD's library you have access to numerous data bases and online resources to assist you in finding relevant information for your courses.
Libarary opening hours:
Monday–Thursday: 8.30 - 15.00
Friday: 8.30 - 13.00
Go to the Library Database
Contact Information Scecialist Trine Louise Bernicken
In case of emergency, the school has a defibrillator by the main entrance - just across from the reception on the ground floor.
Delivery of goods
If you need to have goods delivered you have to make sure the items are clearly marked with your name. When the goods arrive you will be informed via an email from the Reception.
Disciplines meetings
Once a month, the disciplines meet across the year groups to ask each other questions and discuss the instruction and everday life at the school. Here you can also confidentially contact your course director with complaints, if any, or if there are things you are uncertain about.
Contact Head of Study Eva Kappel
If you do not have a qualifying degree, you can apply for dispensation to enroll in the admission process. This means that in addition to the regular Coordinated Application (KOT), you must document and reflect on your design projects.
DK WORKS sells unique designs by current and former students. The shop is open to the public.
Opening hours
Monday–Thursday: 8.30 - 15.00
Friday: 8.30 - 14.30
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Please see See The Students' Association further down.
ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System and is used for credit transfer in higher education in Denmark or abroad. You will be awarded ECTS credits for completed courses and passed exams. ECTS indicates the workload (not the degree of difficulty). 60 ECTS credits are equivalent to the work effort for an entire academic year, and 30 ECTS credits are equivalent to one semester. Traineeships and project work are also awarded ECTS credits, since they are part of the overall programme.
Emergency procedure
We have an emergency procedure that describes how you as a student should behave in the event of a fire, threats or other serious situations. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the procedure and to follow it in case of an alarm and other incidents. Fire instructions, located at the entrance and exit doors, indicate the nearest assembly point in case of evacuation of the building.
Contact Service and Event Manager Mette Thrane Frandsen
Design School Kolding has an agreement with Pakhuset Kolding/Business Kolding that design students are allowed to use their facilities and supervision options for entrepreneurial work.
Go to Pakhusets website
Feedback from students is essential for our ability to develop the quality of our programmes, which is why we conduct ongoing evaluations.
As a student you will be presented with the following evaluations:
- The course evaluation takes place at the conclusion of a course of more than 3 weeks' duration. Here you will be asked to evaluate the course you have just completed. The evaluations are used to ensure a great learning outcome and a high quality in the courses.
- A study evaluation is an assessment of the entire programme in general. The survey is conducted annually every autumn by Education Zoom/Learning Barometer and is sent alternately from the school and from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science/epinion.
- The study start evaluation is an evaluation of the start of the programme and is therefore sent out to first-year bachelor's and master's students. This evaluation is also conducted every autumn.
- Graduate evaluation. After graduating from the programme you will be asked to participate in the Graduate Evalation, which collects your experiences entering the labour market equipped with your design degree.
Go to Evaluation
Contact Head of Stydy Administration Jette Ladegaard Garnæs
Exam rooms
Here you'll find information about exam rooms: access, use and useful tips.
Rooms stated on your exam plan
On your exam plan, which you will receive no later than 3 weeks before your exam, you will be able to see, where your exam is going to take place. Usually, the plan will mention two rooms and look like this:
Student 1 will have exams in room A
Student 2 will have exams in room B
Student 3 will have exams in room A
Student 4 will have exams in room B
Example: If you are student 3 taking an exam, you will have access to room A as soon as student 1 has finished his/her exam and removed his/her project as quickly as possible.
Access to the exam room
This means that you will be able to access your exam room at least one exam before your own exam. If the room is big enough, you can agree to divide it so more of you will be able to prepare the room in advance, say in the morning or the day before after classes.
You will not be able to use the room in the days before your exam, or be able to book a room for a possible test exam.
Type of exam room
An exam room can be one of the large classrooms or one of the small meeting rooms. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide additional exam rooms. During most exam periods there are many exams taking place at the same time across year groups, and during some exam periods there is also teaching.
It is not possible to have your exam in any other location than Design School Kolding.
It is your responsibility to check what type of equipment is available in the exam room well ahead of your exam. If you need extra equipment (projector, sound, etc.), please contact AV-manager, Workshop Manager - Foto, Digital Printing Alain Villa Monteiro. If you need a pin-up board, whiteboard, etc., please contact Property Service Technician Tommy Freudendal or Property Service Technician Simon Tesfamariam Araya.
Remember to tidy up after your exam and return possible equipment to Alain.
Useful tips
- If needed, make arrangements with your fellow students before your exam.
- Make sure to prepare your material before your exam so that it is ready to be presented once you have access to the room.
- If possible, and to make the most of your time, help each other set up and take down materials.
Contact Study Administrative Employee Anja Junge Taudal Andersen
In principle oral exams are open to the public. The exam will be conducted by an examiner with assistance from an internal or an external examiner who is in charge of the evaluation. The evaluation is conducted behind closed doors and must take place immediately after the conclusion of the exam. Your grade will be assigned in private.
Written exams consist of a written assignment that is assessed by an examiner plus an internal or an external examiner. The scope of the work varies and is outlined in the relevant course descriptions. The scope is calculated in standard pages, defined as 1 standard page = 2400 keystrokes incl. spaces. Read more about exams in the curriculum.
Go to Curriculum and Course descriptions
Contact Head of Stydy Administration Jette Ladegaard Garnæs
Find Kolding School of Design
The address of Design School Kolding is Ågade 10, 6000 Kolding. The school is an eight-minute walk from the train station.
See Google Maps
First year students
The school and the tutors invite new students on a field trip to get to know their new classmates better. The event is typically held in a cabin that the school rents, where the tutors (2nd-year students) provide the entertainment. The programme includes warm-up games (to get to know each other), parties and a visit from Mette Thrane Frandsen and Lone Dalsgaard.
Contact Service and Event Manager Mette Thrane Frandsen
Contact Senior Consultant Lone André Dalsgaard
Friday Bar (Bar Bara)
The Friday Bar arranges social events at the school. There are parties, board game evenings, cosy, informal get-to-gethers, Christmas traditions and much more. The Friday Bar has a board consisting of students from the different year groups.
Grant application
For financial assistence to participate in study trips you can also apply to the schools Student Association or you can contact Kolding Municipality's Common Fund, which supports those who are employed in the trades in Kolding.
Go to For international students
Contact International Relations Manager Anette Flinck
Green initiatives
We have a strong focus on environmental and green initiatives and make a concerted effort to be energy conscious as well as having a pleasant work environment. You as students can support these initiatives by for instance turning off the lights when you leave your work space, sort your waste by using the containers supplied for that purpose and please don't toss cigarette butts on the ground. If you have suggestions for environmental initiatives, please contact the school.
Contact Service and Event Manager Mette Thrane Frandsen
Group and project work
On the Bachelor's programme a group exam is only allowed in connection with the graduate project and with the written assignment on the interdisciplinary module in the 3rd semester. Here a maximum of three students can participate. On the Master's programme up to four students can participate in group work in all exams (except the ones that have to be passed through class participation).
Students will always be assessed and graded individually. In case of written group work the students must indicate which sections of the response each one is responsible for. It is worth noticing that the number of participants in a group affects the length of the oral exams as well as the scope of the written work in the written exams. Additional information about group work is available in the curriculum.
House rules
You have to clean up after yourself. All tableware from the kitchen has to be brought back to the kitchen.
Contact Service and Event Manager Mette Thrane Frandsen
An advantage of being a student in Kolding is that it is easy to find a place to live.
You can apply for student housing here Student Kolding
More information about housing at Campus Kolding
If you become ill for a long time, you must inform the Study Administration. You must then submit a medical certificate (you are liable for those expenses). When you are getting ready to return to the programme, a plan will be formulated to ensure the best possible return. If you are prevented from sitting for an exam or handing in assignments, projects, etc. on time. due to illness, you will be enrolled in a make-up exam.
You must report your illness to the Study Administration no later than the day of the exam, prior to the exam, and submit a medical certificate no later than two working days thereafter (you are liable for those expenses). Otherwise, it will count as an examination attempt.
Contact the Study Administration
International collabortion and exchange
Design School Kolding has signed numerous international collaboration agreements. This means that you can participate in an exchange programme to specialize within your areas of interest. It also means that we welcome exchange students at our school. In addition, we have a large number of international graduate students.
Go to International collabortion and exchange
Contact International Relations Manager Anette Flinck
Intro Fair
Every year, at the start of the academic year, we organize an Intro Fair. Here you will gain more information about the school and the programmes we offer. You will also meet a number of key individuals atKolding School of Design.
Contact Service and Event Manager Mette Thrane Frandsen
Contact Senior Consultant Lone André Dalsgaard
Intro party
There are parties throughout the year arranged by the Friday Bar.
Contact Service and Event Manager Mette Thrane Frandsen
Contact Senior Consultant Lone André Dalsgaard
Here's a list with quick links to some of the most used systems. You will find more information about IT for use in education on the ItsLearning platform, which is the school's online operating system.
With Cyberpilot you can expand your knowledge and train your awareness regarding basic IT security and help protect Design School Kolding against cyber attacks as well as reduce the risk of errors and data breaches.
FileSender is a service that makes it possible to transfer files that are too large to simply be attached to an email.
ItsLearning is Design School Kolding's shared learning management system, which is used for teaching material, activities and communication between teachers and students.
Office 365
Mail, calendars and meeting arrangements. Word processing, spreadsheets and presentations. With the Office package, you have everything under control.
STADS self-service
STADS stands for STudyADministrative System - and you use it when you need to print enrollment confirmations and your grade transcripts.
Username: Your student number
TimeEdit is the system that Design School Kolding uses to plan timetables and book rooms. It is also the system where you access your timetable.
WISEflow is Design School Kolding's digital exam system, which supports the entire exam process before, during and after the exam. All exams are created in WISEflow, regardless of format, so that you can get an overview of the semester's exams. Assessments are also given in WISEflow.
Contact IT Administrator Henrik Nyhuus Gill
Contact IT Specialist Melanie Thrur
ItsLearning is Design School Kolding's virtual class room. There is one classroom per course, and you are able to see all the rooms that are of relevance to you.
Here you'll find:
- Teaching materials
- Rooms for handing in papers, contracts, etc.
- Announcements from your teachers
- Official documents like course descriptions and course briefs
ItsLearning is also a shared platform where you can find answers to basic and practical questions regarding your education.
Go to ItsLearning
Contact Study Administration Employee Karina Sørensen
Many choose Kolding as their city of study, and there are many educational programmes to choose from. It is relatively easy to get a roof over your head, as the city has approx. 800 youth residences that are centrally located in relation to the educational institutions; there are also a lot of cultural offerings and an active study environment.
Go to Campus Kolding website
Research and artistic development activities come together in the school's three laboratories: Sustainability and Design, Social Design and Play and Design – areas that represent the school's strategic initiatives. The laboratories generate knowledge and examples of how design contributes to the development and implementation of meaningful products, services and systems based on practice as well as the artistic approach to the subject.
You can collaborate with the school's laboratories through your teaching as a trainee or as a student assistant.
Go to Research and development
Laws and executive orders
At the link below you will find the current regulations and executive orders that pertain to the design educations at Kolding School of Design, including curricula and subject descriptions.
Go to Curriculum and Course descriptions
Find relevant laws, development contracts and framework contracts at About the school
As a student, you are entitled to apply for leave for up to one year. You cannot apply for leave retroactively. Leave must be granted due to childbirth, adoption, military service or UN service. You cannot apply for leave to study at other educational institutions or participate in other types of instruction/tests.
Once you return to school after your leave you may not be allowed to complete your studies according to an obsolete curriculum. On the bachelor's programme, leave cannot be granted until the 1st year's courses have been passed (60 ECTS). Master's students must pass the 1st semester courses (30 ECTS credits) before applying. Applications for leave should be sent by e-mail to the Study Administration. For more information on this subject, see the curriculum and contact the Study Administration for guidance.
- Leave is granted for only one full year and not retroactively. Students who are delayed in the programme by one semester may apply for leave for one semester, provided they have not previously been granted leave.
- Leave must be granted due to childbirth, adoption, military service or UN service.
- Leave is not granted for studies at other educational institutions.
- During the leave period you are not allowed to take classes or tests.
- Students who return to the programme from leave may not be entitled to complete the programme according to the curriculum that was in force when the leave began.
Specifically for the bachelor's programme: Students who have successfully completed the first 4 semesters of the programme may apply for leave for one semester, provided they have not previously been granted leave. Leave can only be granted once the 1st year's courses have been passed (60 ECTS credits).
Specifically for the master's programme: Students who have successfully completed the first 3 semesters of the programme may apply for leave for one semester, provided they have not previously been granted leave.
Go to Curriculum and Course descriptions
Contact the Study Administration
Design School Kolding’s library is an academic library for the school's students and staff. The focus is on design, arts and crafts, graphic design, fashion, textiles and design methods. The library’s collection contains some 20,000 volumes and subscriptions to more than 30 journals.
Opening hours:
Monday–Thursday: 8.30 - 15.00
Friday: 8.30 - 13.00
Go to the Library Database
Contact Information Specialist Trine Louise Bernicken
Lost and found
Lost and found items should be handed in at the school's Reception, where you may also be lucky enough to find an item you had lost.
As a student, you will receive an Office365 email. This dskd email is one of your primary sources of information from the school. Therefore, be sure to check it regularly.
Contact IT Administrator Henrik Nyhuus Gill
Contact IT Specialist Melanie Thrur
Material Fee
Students must pay a material fee. The amount, which will be charged shortly after commencement of study, is approx DKK 3,000 for the 6 semesters of the Bachelor's programme, and approx DKK 2,000 for the 4 semesters of the Master's programme. The amount will only be refunded in case of resignation. A started semester is not refundable.
Students defray all the expenses for material during their education. We have two material shops at the school; PaperSign and Shoppen on the 3rd floor.
However, not all material is sold in the shops. Therefore, we charge a joint material fee for the Bachelor and Master, respectively.
Among other things, the joint material fee covers ink, paper, chemicals, nails, screws, filaments for printing, paper for the photo work-shop and thread. Material, which, during your education is free of charge. In addition, it covers immaterial items such as software.
A common factor for the material covered by the material fee is that it would not be suitable to sell it to the individual student.
Contact Senior Consultant Lone André Dalsgaard
Materials for workshops (Fashion and Textiles)
On the 3rd floor you find the materials sale shop. Here you can get yarn, textiles and all sorts of accessories. The shop is exclusively for students and staff.
Maternity leave
If you are going on maternity leave during your studies, you must apply for leave. Leave must be granted when justified by child birth or adoption. If you are approved for a state education grant (SU), you can apply for additionalmonthly grant portions in connection with your maternity leave.
Contact the Study Administration
Note-taking techniques
An important part of studying is being able to remember, reproduce and reflect on the instruction. Most of us quickly forget what we hear in class or read in a book, so it is important that you have a method of noting down and processing all the knowledge you receive in your study.
Notice boards
Please contact the caretaker if you need extra notice boards.
Contact Property Service Technician Tommy Freudendal
Contact Property Service Technician Simon Tesfamariam Araya
Office365 is the school's email system and is provided by Microsoft, which offers webmail and an Office Package as long as you are a student at Design School Kolding. Once you have graduated, the account is deleted after 2 months.
Contact IT Administrator Henrik Nyhuus Gill
Contact IT Specialist Melanie Thrur
Open house
During the Open House event prospective students have an opportunity to work in open workshops. They can receive a guided tour by current students and talk to the instructors. In addition they can receive tips regarding the application, the admission test and the portfolio.
Contact Senior Consultant Lone André Dalsgaard
Opening Hours
As a student you have access to the school around 24/7 around the clock with your iLoq application.
The Reception's opening hours
Monday–Thursday: 8.30 - 15.00
Friday: 8.30 - 14.00
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Outdoor areas
You can enjoy your lunch or just have a good time near Kolding Å, which is just 75 meters from the school.
Outpost (Study trips)
Design School Kolding has extensive international collaboration with foreign universities and design institutions, where you can join an exchange programme or take individual courses.
For example, two outposts have been established at foreign universities:
Tongji University College of Design and Innovation, Shanghai, China.
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.
Go to International collabortion and exchange
Contact International Relations Manager Anette Flinck
Pakhuset is an office community linked to Business Kolding. You can join programmes there that help you to develop your competences within entrepreneurship.
Go to Pakhuset
At Papersign you can find all sorts of materials. Papers, cartons, drawing tools, boxes, brushes, colours and much more.
Opening hours
Monday: 9.30 - 15.30
Tuesday: 9.30 - 15.30
Wednesday: 9.30 - 15.30
Thursday: 9.30 - 16.30
Friday: 9.30 - 14.30
The school has a number of free parking spaces at its disposal alongside the school building. There is often a shortage of parking spaces on campus, so it is advisable that as many students and staff as possible use public transport.
PhD programme
The PhD programme is an internationally recognized research programme and an independent superstructure to the master's programme. The programme qualifies the student to perform research, development and teaching assignments at an international level both in the private and the public sectors.
The PhD programme consists of:
- A research project in the form of a dissertation concluding with a public defence
- A course of at least a half full-time equivalent (30 ECTS)
- A stay at another institution (typically abroad)
- Participation in seminars and conferences
The programme is assigned 180 ECTS credits, equivalent to three years of full-time study.
Go to PhD programme
Contact Quality Coordinator, Secretary of Research and Development Christina Strind Rosendahl
Placement of materials
It is almost always possible to arrange an exhibition. In addition there are notice boards in many locations at the school, where you are welcome to place a notice.
Contact Service and Event Manager Mette Thrane Frandsen
A portfolio is a folder with visual examples of your work and the projects you have created. When applying for admission to Design School Kolding, your portfolio must reflect your talent understood as your potential, your passion and your willpower.
Go to Portfolio
Contact Senior Consultant Lone André Dalsgaard
Students are allowed to receive study-related post at the school. If you need to have your post addressed to the school, please arrange this with the Reception. Please note that only the school's employees are allowed to post letters.
The printers are located on the 2nd floor. There are laser printers and a plotter for large format. Please contact Alain Monteiro for assistance with large format printing. Preferred file type: pdf and tiff.
You pay for printing through your account at, where you can pay directly or at the Reception.
Price for standard printing:
A2: DKK 25
A1: DKK 50
A0: DKK 100
Contact AV-manager, Workshop Manager - Foto, Digital Printing Alain Villa Monteiro
The Reception's opening hours
Monday–Thursday: 8.30 - 15.00
Friday: 8.30 - 14.00
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Contact Reception, Administration, Career Lab Employee Elisabeth Lehner
The management of Design School Kolding is in th hands of the Rector in collaboration with the school's Rectorate, which, in addition to the Rector, consists of the Prorector, the Head of Administration, the Head of Education, the Head of Research and the Head of Communications.
Go to The school
Responsibility for own learning
At Design School Kolding, you are responsible for your own learning. This means that you have to make sure you show up for classes. Absence will not be registered at the start of the class. You are also responsible for familiarizing yourself with what is required of the courses. Learning requirements are listed in the course description.
Contact Head of Study Eva Kappel
Reuse cupboards
As you enter the door in the basement of the school there are some cupboards. Here you can leave items and materials you no longer use, and perhaps you can be lucky enough to pick up a treasure for yourself.
Contact Service and Event Manager Mette Thrane Frandsen
If you need an extra room for a meeting, for example, you can contact the Reception. Our number of meeting rooms is limited, so we will not always be able to accomodate your wishes.
Go to ItsLearning
Contact Reception
Safety and security
Please see Emergency procedure further up
Papersign, DK: Works, and 3rd floor material shop.
At Papersign you can buy all sorts of materials, paper, cardboard, drawing tools, boxes, brushes, colours and much, much more.
In short, it's the land of milk and honey for designers, architects, creators and anyone else who is into paper goods and materials.
Opening hours:
Monday: 9.30 - 15.30
Tuesday: 9.30 - 15.30
Wednesday: 9.30 - 15.30
Thursday: 9.30 - 16.30
Friday: 9.30 - 14.30
At DK:WORKS you can get your hands on unique designs by current and former students. The shop is open to the public.
Monday–Thursday: 8.30 - 15.00
Friday: 8.30 - 14.00
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
On the 3rd floor you find the shop for sales of material . Here you can get yarn, textiles and all sorts of accessories. The shop is only for students and staff.
Opening hours:
Monday-Tuesday: 15.00-17.00
Wednesday closed
Thursday-Friday: 15.00-17.00
As of the academic year 2021 smoking will no longer be permitted in any educational institution in Kolding Municipality. Those who are interested will be offered a stop-smoking course.
Social Media
The school is present on a number of social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, Vimeo, YouTube and Pinterest. We hope you enjoy following us and sharing content.
Go to Media Workshop
Contact Communications Specialist and Photographer Katrine Worsøe
Contact Communications Specialist Marianne Baggesen Hilger
SPS (Special educational support)
SPS (Special Educational Support) is a scheme to ensure that all students receive an education on equal terms. The support is linked to the student's subject area. There are different types of support depending on the student's disability.
You can apply for support from the Study Administration. It is important to have documentation of your disability, such as a doctor's certificate or a dyslexia test. The Study Administration can assist in this regard.
Counselling and support for students with psychological difficulties
If you’re experiencing study-related difficulties due to a psychological and/or neurological illness, you can receive pedagogical-psychological-existential guidance, counselling and support to help you complete your education.
If you want to know more about SPS support, check out this folder.
Study mentor
You can also receive support from a study mentor. A mentor is a student who is as far along or further in his/her studies, most often an older student who is well-integrated in the education.
Read more about the student mentor programme here.
Contact Student Counsellor and Study Administrative Employee Esther Fuchs
Student ambassador
If you have questions about being an international student at Design School Kolding, you'll get plenty of help from our team of student ambassadors. They're more than happy to answer e.g. questions about the application process and student life in Denmark.
Contact Communications Specialist Marianne Baggesen Hilger
Student assistants
Design School Kolding regularly employs student assistants and volunteers. It can be for events, for watering flowers, helping in the kitchen, setting up exhibitions, as communication assistance or as super user of our technical equipment. See notices or contact our employees if you want work.
Contact Reception, Administration, Career Lab Employee Elisabeth Lehner
Student ID
When you start school, you get a student ID. Make sure you take good care of it. It gives you access to the school, permission to borrow equipment and materials, access to certain technical equipment including copiers and also free access or discount to selected museums, etc.
Student life
A good student life and study environment is something we create together. Both the school and the students themselves arrange a large number of social and professional events as well as parties that you can attend. You can also choose to get involved in the school's associations and boards. In the everyday life at the school it is important to be friends with your fellow students and make a contribution to the teaching environment. See the Student Association and the Study Board.
Studios (workshop facilities)
Kolding School of Design attaches great importance to practice and prioritises excellent Studio conditions, where you as a student can work with the material one-on-one. It is in the Studios that you experiment with the subject and develop your working methods. And it is here that academic method and practice-based research meet.
Go to Studios
Study abroad
Please see International collaboration and exchange
Study activity
Complying with study activity requirements means that you must actively participate in the class instruction, hand in your assignments on time and attend the exams. In addition to acquiring a good education and a good exam result, earning a certain number of ECTS credits per academic year is also a specific requirement.
More information about complying with study activity requirements is available in the curriculum. If you fail to live up to the study activity requirements, you cannot continue in the programme. In addition, you are only entitled to student grants (SU) if you are an active student. From the perspective of the student grant authorities you are considered to be an inactive student, if you are more than 6 months behind in your studies (equivalent to 30 ECTS credits/one semester).
It is important that you yourself seek help when needed. It is advisable to get help from your instructor, your head of subject or the study counsellor in the Study Administration.
Study Board
Design School Kolding’s Study Board is the body that, together with the head of education and the Study Administration, reviews and agrees on the formal framework for the content, planning and implementation of the programme. The Study Board supervises the academic standards of the instruction and contributes to the quality assurance and quality development of the programmes and the instruction.
The Study Board makes decisions regarding applications for credits and dispensations, makes recommendations regarding the quality assurance and the quality development of the programme and the instruction, expresses its opinion regarding follow-up on education and teaching evaluations, approves proposals for and changes to the curriculum, approves new and significantly revised course descriptions, contributes to securing and developing the study environment and contributes to qualifying the organization of the instruction. Both instructors and students are represented on the Study Board. At least two meetings are held per semester.
The work language of the Study board is Danish.
If you wish to join the Study Board or have any questions, you can contact the Study Board Chairman, the Deputy chairman or the secretary.
Go to Organisation and management
Contact Head of Study Eva Kappel
Study exchange stay
The student has the option to participate in an exchange stay at a Danish or foreign educational institution for the duration of one semester. The exchange may occur in the 4th semester of the studies and is assessed at 30 ECTS credits. A prerequisite for participation in the exchange programme is that the student has passed the exams for the first year courses.
Go to International collabortion and exchange
Contact International Relations Manager Anette Flinck
Study guidiance
If you have questions about the rules and the frameworks related to your study; if you need to develop a study plan; if you are in doubt about your choice of study or if you fail to thrive at the school, you can contact the Study Administration's guidance councellor. For academic questions, you can contact the head of study. If you are in doubt about whether the question is academic or of a different nature, the Study Administration's counsellor will be happy to help with a clarification.
You can also contact Studenterrådgivningen (The Student Counselling Service). They have a local branch in Kolding and also a physical location at Design School Kolding where you can meet counsellor Simone Nørrebo Pedersen every Tuesday in room 1.55. Please make sure to book a session in advance:
Tlf: +45 24 91 27 41
The Student Counselling Service offers confidential and free of charge counselling sessions with a trained psychologist for all students in higher education. You can talk about any challenges you might be experiencing in relation to life as a student and your overall well-being. The counselling sessions take place physically or online, according to your preference.
You can book an appointment directly via their online booking system.
Or you can write to to find out more.
If you're struggling with loneliness, you can try reaching out to Ventilen.
See also SPS (Special educational support)
Contact Student Counsellor and Study Administrative Employee Esther Fuchs
Study satisfaction (surveys)
Every year, all students – both full-time and part-time students – participate in a survey. It focuses on the academic as well as the social environment of the programme, in addition to your general experience of how the programme works.
The survey will be sent to your dskd email. Based on the results of the study action plans are formulated, which must address the focus areas the various programmes are working on.
Go to Evaluations
Study space
All students have their own study space, where they can immerse themselves in their subject. Keep it tidy and be considerate to others.
Study strategies
Studying at an institution of higher education can be time consuming. The amount of reading, for example, can sometimes seem scary and overwhelming, especially if you are not a very fast reader. If you feel that you are lagging behind with your reading, it is often because you may not be reading in the most expedient manner.
Study technique
Each of us requires different frameworks and techniques for learning or working. Some need calm, others want to listen to music. Learn what keeps you focused and adapt to it.
A general driving force for a good study technique is being curious and well-prepared and asking questions. That gives you an opportunity to learn more and remember more than you otherwise would.
SU - The Danish students' Grants and Loans Scheme
In Denmark it is possible to receive student grants (SU). In order to be approved to receive this grant, you must meet certain criteria. You must be a Danish citizen (or be equated with Danish citizens), comply with study activity requirements, be 18 years of age, not earn over a certain amount and not receive other public benefits. SU in higher education is awarded in the form of a 'punch card' with 70 SU points. In special circumstances you can apply for extra points.
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Supplementary training and continuing education
Supplementary training and continuing education at Kolding School of Design are meant for people who need to improve their skills in design and design methods in a broad sense, and for companies that need to create innovation and new business potential through design thinking and strategic design processes. We offer qualifying continuing education with ECTS credits and qualification-improving supplementary training courses.
Contact Head of Study Eva Kappel
The Students' Association (DSR)
The Students' Association (DSR) is Kolding School of Design student council. The Association consists of students who take care of the students' interests. DSR has around 25 active members who are the voice of the students at the school.
Go to Student Life
Tidy up
We must all tidy up after ourselves. This applies to classrooms, offices and common areas, no matter where we go.
Show consideration for other users by leaving the area the way you want to find it – i.e. furniture put back in place after use and waste etc. removed.
Items cannot be left in common areas.
In the basement there are cupboards where you can place things that you think others can use.
At the end of each semester, in particular, it is important that you make sure you remove your personal belongings from the classrooms.
Contact Service and Event Manager Mette Thrane Frandsen
Time table
The timetable is available on TimeEdit. It is your responsibility to constantly check for changes in the timetable. If you have questions your can always contact the Study Administration.
The design education focuses on business acumen and organizational skills as well as practical design competencies related to your future career in the labour market. Therefore, a traineeship is a compulsory part of the study at Design School Kolding. The traineeship module is placed in the 5th semester of the bachelor's programme. The traineeship is a full-time position, where you participate in the company's daily tasks and practices. The traineeship can take place both in Denmark and abroad.
Go to International collabortion and exchange
Contact International Relations Manager Anette Flinck
The MA programme has a number of tutors who focus on students' well-being and supporting a nice study environment for students in People, Planet and Play. See also Student Ambassadors.
Contact Communications Specialist and Photographer Katrine Worsøe
Contact Communications Specialist Marianne Baggesen Hilger
Types of instruction
The instruction consists of a mixture of lectures, workshops, individual and group-based project assignments and seminars.
User name
At the start of the programme you will be given a user name and a password. You must use these to access the school's computers, WiFi and printers. You have to use your user name and not your email address to log in everywhere.
Contact IT Administrator Henrik Nyhuus Gill
Contact IT Specialist Melanie Thrur
The school's van is not for use by the students. If you need to collect some supplies, please contact the caretaker.
Contact Property Service Technician Tommy Freudendal
Contact Property Service Technician Simon Tesfamariam Araya
We focus on sustainability, also when it comes to waste. That is why we sort our waste on an ongoing basis. As a student, you can support the school's most environmentally friendly waste recycling efforts by using the containers set up in classrooms, common areas and workshops. The main waste categories are cardboard, paper, plastic, deposits, residual waste and environmentally hazardous waste.
Contact Service and Event Manager Mette Thrane Frandsen
Maps of the school's classrooms and other facilities are located in the stairways.
In order to access the school's WiFi, you must use the login password you were given at the start of your studies. If you have problems or have lost your password, you can contact the IT department at the school. Guests at the school can receive a guest login password at the Reception.
Contact IT Administrator Henrik Nyhuus Gill
Contact IT Specialist Melanie Thrur
Work-study job
You can choose to have a work-study job besides your studies. It is usually a job that is relevant to your subject area and is a good opportunity to gain relevant work experience and possibly a foot in the door of business. You should be aware that if you also receive student grants (SU) there is a ceiling on how much extra you can earn before it is offset against the grants.
Evaluations - read feedback from students