DIY Sustainability for Kids by Sylwia Ćwięczek

Design for Play
Uddannelses projekttype

About the project

DIY Sustainability book for kids full of up-cycling ideas and interesting facts.

It was designed based on a child's interests in being more eco-friendly as well as a passion for building and fixing things. The process was very informal and kept casual, we played a lot of games, did quizzes, and discussed important matters for the child.

Co-creation sessions enabled us to choose a direction of the project, followed by co-design session, structured in a way to include the child as much as possible. Together they decided which up-cycling ideas are the most interesting, how the characters from the book should look like. They also did a sustainability quiz to find out what a 10-year-old child knows and what can be interesting for him to learn about. During the last session, they did a poster about how to take care of our planet, Sisi used his handwriting 're-use re-cycle re-duce' for the cover, which is made of melted plastic.

The whole book is a DIY object which has to be assembled, the cover, all the pages, and the back cover come loose and should all be recycled after use.