Kolding Handicapidræt by Runa Rossau, Camille de Boisfleury, Jack Canavan and Fiorenza Scarpa

Industrielt design
Design for People
Uddannelses projekttype

About the project

The output of the project:

  • A set of products that improves the quality of interaction during the boccia session.
  • A strong identity that develops a feeling of pride and belonging for the members.

When we first approached KHI, the problems we observed related to the space and the club itself:
the location was difficult to find, the rooms that host the club lacked in personalization and identity. And on top of this, the club was surviving with very few members remaining.

After talking with the nine members, we realized how the club and the club activity affect the members and the importance of their weekly routine. For most members, the Boccia Club is the most relevant social event during their week, where they have the possibility of competing through sports with the opportunity to connect with the other members on a personal level.

Our goal was to support the relationships between members, increase the quality of the time and activity that take place in the club while still seeking new members.

We designed a new brand identity for the club, to support its values and advertise them. The new logo transmits strength, speed and direction, and it’s declinable for different sports (ex. hockey, second sports in the KHI).

The folder gives you all the information that you need about the Kolding Boccia club and it also features a rippable part that creates a little pocket booklet with all the essential information for finding the club. The brand booklet contains all the graphic elements and how they are to be used. It also recommends how to tackle public representation and how to make new members feel welcome.

For the club space, we designed a scoreboard to use during practice and to take with them during tournaments. The scoreboard is color-coded, designed to be used by people with different types of disabilities thanks to the simple slot system, both to keep the score and name tag placement.

The name tags for the members are laser cut, with each of their names engraved and a dedicated space for their pictures.

The last product focuses on the activity that can serve as an icebreaker for new members, a teaching tool for the coach, and a warm-up for the players. The ball is made of wood, a material that is slightly heavier than the boccia balls, to help the warm-up of the players on the grip. We marked and engraved the finger placement for the two main grip positions to throw the boccia balls, using the green and blue colors to highlight them.