Ph.d. projekt

Lise Hostrup Sønnichsen

Ph.d. studerende
Lise Hostrup Sønnichsen
2020 - 2024
Sune Klok Gudiksen
Helle Marie Skovbjerg
LAB for Leg og Design
LAB tema
Playful Learning
UC SYD Teacher Education
Playful Learning Research Extension programme
Eksterne links
Playful Learning website
The analyses and descriptions in the thesis illustrate how participation in study activity characterised by playful approaches can provide a framework for student teachers' professional development.


The project was based on two research questions: 

  1. How can participation in study activity characterised by playful approaches have an impact on the professional development process (Bildung) of student teachers? 
  2. How can playful approaches be used to design study activity that invites a playful attitude to study work in teacher education?


The project showed that playful approaches to learning and teaching in the Danish teacher education can influence the professional development process (Bildung) of student teachers eg. their way of relating to themselves as designers of playful teaching, differentiation and variation, playful facilitation and children’s playfulness in teaching.

“I have never been introduced to playful approaches before. And what if I had chosen another subject as my third subject, which teacher would I have been? Maybe it's about the fact that I feel that everything I have in me can suddenly be put together in a meaningful way. Now it makes sense to me”

– Mathilda, student Teacher

Methods and outcome

Methodologi: design-based research (Barab & Squire, 2004) combined with a narrative approach called self-correcting induction (Boje, 2008; Boje & Rosile). The research process was bound together by a continuous focus on conducting different types of conversations mediated by different actionable methods. A process that allowed abductive, inductive, and deductive approaches.


Sune Klok Gudiksen
Lab for Leg og Design

Sune Klok Gudiksen

Lektor, ph.d., underviser Design for Play og kommunikationsdesign