Ph.d. projekt

Play Probes for Young People

Ph.d. studerende
Line Gad Christiansen
Sune Klok Gudiksen, Richard Herriott, Carsten Lyng Obel
LAB for Leg og Design
In this PhD project, the play probes aim to provide new insights about young people, through activities surrounding materials and playful elements. The play probes aim to provide new insights about young people, through activities surrounding materials and playful elements.


The project explores if materials and play can provide insights to young peoples lifes through a play probe.

When we want to learn something about young people (15-17 year old), it is often conversation- or observation-based. The play probes provide another - or a supplementary - way of discovering what young people deal with.

Method and expected results

The project combines ethnography and design.

The probes consist of different small (playful) activities that the young people can engage in at home, at their own pace, how and when they want. This gives them control of the conversation and thus provides a safe space for expressions.