LAB for Social Design

Hero image LAB for Socialt Design
Kandidatprojekt / 2021 / Design for People 
Maria Anna Jedryszek

Ambition and method

LAB for Social Design works to create social and cultural change. The goal is for all children and adults to unfold their full potential in all phases of life.

Our approach is collaborative, empathetic, and performative. Through democratic, experimental, and material-oriented design processes, we explore socially sustainable futures within social design, social innovation, and welfare design in close collaboration with relevant stakeholders. Together, we generate knowledge and examples of how design can contribute to the development and implementation of meaningful products, services, and systems.

Skabt af minder – Kollektiv aktivisme / Made by Memories - Collective Activism 
by Emma Baverel
Kandidat projekt / Master project 
Research theme

Citizenship and Agency

Citizenship and agency can be supported in various ways, from shaping policies to how we as individuals embrace diversity. We engage in redesigning systems and services across sectors, care pathways, and decision-making in cancer treatment. We assist with shifting roles and work cultures. Together, we design for social inclusion of marginalized groups, such as people with disabilities, and students facing challenges in school.

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Research theme


Togetherness is centered around initiating and supporting community building. We design maker spaces and activity rooms in libraries and cultural centers. We design tools to enable holistic care, improve well-being, and include people with disabilities.

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Research theme


Under the theme of Ongoing-ness, we focus on being able to cope with illness, the many transitions from childhood to adulthood, from the workforce to retirement, and having to cope with disabilities or life-changing events such as becoming parents.

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Research tema

Universal design

Universal Design refers to the design of products, environments, programmes, and services so that they can be used by all people to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialised design. 

Kolding School of Design and the Bevica Foundation are collaborating to enhance education and research in Universal Design.


LAB for Social Design

Lab for Social Design

Anna Kersig

Experience Designer, Design for People
Lab for Social Design

Anne Katrine G. Gelting

Studielektor, ph.d., Design for People
Lab for Social Design

Canan Akoglu

Lektor, ph.d., studieretningsansvarlig for Design for People
Lab for Social Design

Jannik Seidelin

Adjungeret professor, underviser, den tværgående undervisning, Design for People
Lab for Social Design

Joan Pedersen

Studieadjunkt, Design for People
Lab for Social Design

Kathrina Dankl

Lektor, ph.d., underviser Design for People og industrielt design
Lab for Social Design

Laila Grøn Truelsen

Studielektor, studieretningsansvarlig kommunikationsdesign og underviser Design for People
Lab for Sustainability and Design, Lab for Play and Design, Lab for Social Design, Rectorat

Lene Nyhus Friis

Projektchef, leder af Lab for Leg og Design, Lab for Socialt Design og Lab for Bæredygtighed og Design
Lab for Social Design

Line Gad Christiansen

Videnskabelig Assistent, Lav for Socialt Design
Lab for Social Design

Maria Foverskov

Adjunkt, Design for People
Lab for Social Design

Maria Høgh-Mikkelsen

Ph.d.-studerende, underviser Design for People, tekstildesign og den tværgående undervisning
Lab for Social Design

Marie Kremer

Videnskabelig assistent
Lab for Social Design

Mathias Poulsen

Lab for Social Design

Richard Herriott

Lektor, ph.d., underviser Design for People og industrielt design
Lab for Social Design

Yanki Lee

Gæsteprofessor, ph.d, Bevica Fonden professorat med fokus på Universal Design