LAB for Sustainability and Design

Forskningsprojekt / 2019-2020 / LAB for Bæredygtighed og Design

Ambition and method

In the LAB for Sustainability  and Design, we explore and demonstrate how design thinking and action can promote sustainable societal transformations. 

Our approach is practice-oriented, involving a concrete exploration of times, places, methods, and causes of sustainable transitions, or the lack thereof. We actively engage in designing, implementing, and evaluating initiatives that either strengthen existing sustainable processes or promote new ways of achieving sustainability.

Our research areas describe the interconnected forms of life that we seek to understand in our efforts to promote robust and enduring sustainable transformations through design. This often occurs in collaboration with businesses, organizations, and other institutions.

Forskningsprojekt / 2019-2020 / LAB for Bæredygtighed og Design
Research theme

Designer Life

Designers play a crucial role in driving green transitions, employing both traditional and innovative methods. Future sustainability designers must master diverse roles such as creator, facilitator, and educator across sectors. Education needs to adapt to equip designers with the necessary skills. We must explore approaches to transform design education and adjacent disciplines towards sustainability.

Research theme

Everyday Life

Exploring the intersection of design and everyday life, we delve into sustainable innovations and their integration into daily practices. We investigate how climate and environmental issues permeate everyday life, considering their impact alongside other daily concerns. Additionally, we explore the role of technology in fostering sustainable innovations and how design can contribute to the development of such technologies.

Research theme

Organisational Life

In our exploration, we aim to bridge production and consumption to foster sustainable organisational practices. We delve into the collaborative tools and analytical insights necessary for organisations and consumers alike to engage in forming closed resource loops. While closer connections between production and consumption can facilitate sustainable transitions, we also acknowledge the potential reinforcement of 'surveillance capitalism' inherent in these ties.

Research theme

Material Life

We explore how materials and processes contribute to sustainable transitions. We investigate the collaboration between designers and non-human entities to promote sustainability. Furthermore, we examine the potential of emerging materials for innovative design and assess the impact of new materialities and technologies on daily life and organizational practices.


LAB for Sustainability Design

Lab for Sustainability and Design

Alexandra Harder Lindek

Ph.d.-studerende, underviser Design for Planet og modedesign
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Antonia Fedder

Videnskabelig assistent, Lab for Bæredygtighed og design
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Cathryn Anneka Hall (barsel)

Postdoc, Design for Planet
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Christel Arnevik

Studielektor, studieretningsansvarlig for modedesign, underviser Design for Planet og modedesign
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Helle Graabæk

Studielektor, studieretningsansvarlig for tekstildesign, underviser Design for Planet og tekstildesign
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Iryna Kucher

Ph.d.- studerende
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Karen Marie Hasling (barsel)

Lektor, ph.d., studieretningsansvarlig Design for Planet, underviser Design for Planet samt mode- og tekstildesign
Lab for Sustainability and Design, Lab for Play and Design, Lab for Social Design, Rectorat

Lene Nyhus Friis

Projektchef, leder af Lab for Leg og Design, Lab for Socialt Design og Lab for Bæredygtighed og Design
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Liv Johanne Eskholm

Studielektor, Studieretningsansvarlig for accessory design, underviser Design for Planet og accessory design
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Louise Ravnløkke

Adjunkt, ph.d., Design for Planet
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Mette Julie Bundgaard-Nielsen

Studieadjunkt, underviser Design for Planet og modedesign
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Morten Krogh Petersen

Lektor, Design for Planet, studieretningsansvarlig for diplomuddannelsen
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Sarafina Taudal Andersen

Studieadjunkt, Lab for bæredygtighed og design
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Sofie Bundgaard Holst

Videnskabelig assistent, Lab for Bæredygtighed og Design
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Thomas Zindorff Lagoni

Studielektor, Design for Planet, kommunikationsdesign og den tværgående undervisning
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Ulla Ræbild

Lektor, ph.d., underviser Design for Planet og modedesign
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Vibeke Riisberg

Lektor Emerita, ph.d., underviser Design for Planet og tekstildesign