Research and development project

Universal Design Research

Participants from Kolding School of Design
Richard Herriott
Line Gad Christensen
Lene Nyhus Friis
Zanitha Hamilton Månegaard
Research and development project type
Research and development
Project period
Jan 2021 - Dec 2026
Project management

Kolding School of Design

Social Design
LAB theme
Universal design
Collaboration partners
Bevica Foundation
What are the theoretical foundations of Universal Design, how are they used and how can the tools available be better used for grounded UD design work?


What is the nature of the connections from UD theory through to execution of UD design processes?

The project involves exploring the connections from Universal Design theory, the tools and methods used through to strengthening the ties between UD principles to theUD design process.

Methods and outcome

The project begins with an inquiry into UD theory, published as Herriott, R. (2024) The Incidence of Theoretical Content in Universal Design Research. The International Journal of Designed Objects, 18(2), 139

The next step was to look at the nature of tool use in UD theory, published as Herriott, R. (2023). The relation of design tools to Universal Design Theory. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, 13(2), 216-249. The next step is to explore ways to strengthen the justification of the selection of design reserch tools for accumulating user data involving design teaching experiments with design students. 

This led to two papers on the use of card game design for this end. One published as Herriott, R. (2024). The Use of Card-Game Design to Teach Universal Design Theory. HTI, 166. And a follow up study went into greater depth, to be published (with Asa River Jackson as co-author) as How playing or making card games can support Universal Design teaching for the conference DRS Learn X Design 2025 Intertwinia in Design Education” at Aveiro, Portugal.

Associate Prof. Line Gad Christen is carrying out related work into methods for supporting children with physical handicaps in their physical training. PhD scholar Zanitha Månegaard Hamilton is undertaking work on play, neurodiversity and pluriversal design in relation to Universal Design approaches.


Lab for Social Design

Richard Herriott

Associate Professor, Lab for Social Design