Bjørn Karmann
Why did you choose Design School Kolding? Because I love design. I attended the technical college's design programme and was captured by it. Afterwards I did one year at the Design Folk School in Randers because I thought I wanted to be a graphic designer. Then I discovered interaction design and to me that represents the perfect combination between art and technology.
Did you get accepted the first time? Yes.
Why did you choose Kolding? I am from Vejle and actually I wanted to move a bit farther away but I'd heard to many great things about the school. The sense of community is amazing and I like the intimate folk school atmosphere. You get to now each other really well. Some might argue that that's because Kolding as a city doesn't have a lot to offer but I don't agree.
What is the best thing about the school? The teachers. They are fantastic - and very inspiring. But also that there's room for someone like me.
What do you mean "someone like me"? I'm a technology nerd and there aren't too many of those around. The school has a "Hacker Lab" where we built a 3D printer, for instance, and it's important to me to able to combine technology and design.
What is less good? I'd like for the different year groups to be more socially involved with each other.
What has surprised you the most about the school? How much you change. I've grown up and I take life more seriously.
Tell about a project you did at school? We went to Shanghai and did a project called ’Privacy’. The population density is unbelievable and many Chinese don't feel they have any privacy. We designed a pair of glasses that can 'make people disappear'. The glasses is a screen that you attach to your iPhone and it films the environment you're in. If there are people in that environment, the glasses make them disappear. This allows you to create your own space. The glasses provide a snapshot and is a reminder to slow down. They only work when you sit still and therefore they are very suited for the metro. The glasses are made of cardboard and therefore, they are quite cheap. And you can even fold them.
What did the Chinese think of this? They thought it was cool.
What do you want to do with your degree? I'd like to do a Master at CIID – Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design. They only have one Dane per year and the school believes in mixing various professions. The fact that you can meet engineers, biologists, artists, etc. provides a dynamic setting.
What do you do when you're not in school? I sit at home and act all nerdy. Right now I'm making my own 3D printer.
Do you have a student job? I work as a bartender at the Englisg Pub in Kolding.
Where do you live? I share a flat with a fellow student.
What do you do in your sparetime? I practice Ultimate. It's a geeky sport so it suits me.