What is it we do when we design?
In her PhD project ”Unfuzzing the Design Process: Revisiting Epistemology of Design Processes” Bordal challenges and tests the way we understand design processes and their progress theoretically.
Bordal and Design School Kolding are not the only ones interested in this topic; it also attracts attention on the other side of the world where Sidse Ansbjerg Bordal will be participating in the IASDR conference in Brisbane, Australia, and presenting a paper on part of her research.
IASDR (International Association of Societies of Design Research) is an international association of design research communities working to promote design research and international collaboration between independent research communities. Every other year the organisation hosts a conference, and this year the venue is Brisbane.
Apart from the IASDR conference in Brisbane, Sidse Ansbjerg Bordal will also travel to Sydney to visit The Design Innovation Research Centre at University of Technology, headed by Professor Kees Dorst.
Sidse Ansbjerg Bordal’s trip to Australia will promote knowledge generation and sharing within her field of research and build potential partnerships in terms of exchange and collaboration that could benefit Design School Kolding.
About Sidse Ansbjerg Bordal
Sidse Ansbjerg Bordal has an MA degree in Fashion Design from Design School Kolding. She has worked as a writer an editor for a number of fashion media and has as a research assistant at the University of Southern Denmark focusing on design-driven business growth. Sidse is halfway through her three-year PhD programme at Design School Kolding funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research. Bordal’s PhD project focuses on making the progress of design processes visible and how and why we should challenge common theroretical perceptions of the mechanisms that drive the process.
“Bordal’s PhD project focuses on making the progress of design processes visible and how and why we should challenge common theroretical perceptions of the mechanisms that drive the process.”