07 Oct 2015 / Education and research

Encountering the others

New joint innovation and entrepreneurship course across institutions and competences.
By shd@dskd.dk

The University of Southern Denmark, the International Business Academy, University College Syddanmark and Design School Kolding offer the joint course ”Innovation og entreprenørskab på tværs” (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Across).

This autumn, 25 student will gather around a new course focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship. Students from Kolding’s higher educations will participate in the cross-disciplinary BA course where they will work together across programmes and competences.

New teaching methods
Innovation and entrepreneurship are two of the main ingredients and students work together to start their own business, solve social or cultural challenges or commercial business challenges. The initiative sets out to develop innovative teaching methods and new joint teaching materials which cover social as well as commercial aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Competence boost
The objective of the course is to boost the students’ creative and innovative competences and their ability to work in projects. It will strengthen their professional competences as well as their social and personal competences.

- We know that the job market demands cross-disciplinary competences in newly qualified applicants. At the same time the students will become aware of their own competences as they encounter other people and their skills, says Merethe Kruse, Design School Kolding.

The project group comprises UC Syd Campus Kolding and IBA, University of Southern Denmark Campus Kolding and Design School Kolding, and Business Kolding. The project is funded by the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship.

The course starts in the autumn semester of 2015 at House of Design. Examinations are in January.

“The students will become aware of their own competences as they encounter other people and their skills.Merethe Kruse, Design School Kolding”