Ni Hao
The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China received the grand tour of Danish Design when 25 guests stopped by Design School Kolding. After a welcoming speech by Head of Education and Industrial Design Peter Barker, the Chinese guests were given a tour of the school’s workshops. Later on, they walked to Koldinghus Castle, the historic gem of Kolding City, to view this year’s graduation exhibition.
To show his appreciation, the Chinese Ambassador Mr. Liu Biwei presented a gift to Prorector Lone Dalsgaard André – a beautiful Chinese vase.
- I am very impressed with the work of your students. They have made a deep impression on me, Mr. Liu Biwei said.
Mr. Liu Biwei visited Design School Kolding earlier this year together with a group of ambassadors from all over the world, and decided he would like to revisit the school with his staff. Prorector Lone Dalsgaard André is pleased about the Chinese interest:
- We would like to strengthen our collaboration with China. We have had outposts there since 2000 and would like to continue to expand this exchange of culture and knowledge. The ambassador and entourage enjoyed meeting the Chinese students, and the students showed great appreciation for being able to come here. Perhaps in the future we will be able to welcome more Chinese students to Kolding.