Providing a voice for young people through play and designPhD defense
In her thesis 'Play probes – an approach to reveal emergent youth identity through playful making', Line has explored the potentials of using play and materials to empower young people in speaking up about things that are on their minds. This has manifested as Play Probes, designed not only to facilitate young people in sharing their thoughts but also to provide an enjoyable experience for participants.
13:00 Welcome / Associate Professor Sune Klok Gudiksen, Design School Kolding
13:05 Lecture / PhD student Line Gad Christiansen
13:45 Examination / Professor Eva Brooks, Aalborg University, Denmark
14:10 Break
14:30 Examination / Associate Professor Elizabeth B.-N. Sanders, The Ohio State University, USA
15:00 Examination / Associate Professor Canan Akoglu, Design School Kolding, Denmark
15:30 Audience comments
16:00 Closing remarks / Associate Professor Sune Klok Gudiksen, Design School Kolding
The defense will be followed by a reception.