Signe and Sydney Opera House
It's a big job that awaits students from Australia and Denmark: Together with MADE by Operahouse they are going to make their mark on the iconic Sydney opera house. Signe Møller Rosendahl is thrilled to be among the chosen few.
”It is a great honour to be given the chance to affect the whole modernization. When I was selected, I was like ”Cool, I am going to Australia to work on the Opera House for six weeks.”
Signe studies Communication Design at Design School Kolding and she knows exactly how she envisions her contribution to the big task:
”I am very interested in the collaboration between architects, engineers and designers. Especially, in connection with public spaces and humans and how you can improve the interaction in these spaces - to make a better overall experience that makes sense for the user”, Signe says.
A total of five Danish student have been selected based on letters of motivation. Together with 100 Australian and Danish students they will be participating in MADE by the Operahouse over the next 10 years.
MADE by the Operahouse is a collaboration between the Sydney Opera House Trust, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts – Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation, Bikubenfonden, Dreyers Fond, Det Obelske Familiefond, Steensen Varming, Arup and The NSW Architects Registration Board.