Students: Je suis Charlie
Like the rest of the world, Design School Kolding's students are deeply affected by the act of terror in Paris. Therefore, on Monday 12 January, a group of students carried out their own silent act of sympathy for the victims. They gathered in the school canteen and held up individual signs saying "Je suis Charlie". A gesture which was captured by the school photographer.
Design School Kolding has a long history of training illustrators, and of course, this group of students is particularly affected by the issues connected with the attack in Paris.
Rector Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen has also voiced her opinion about the act of terror:
"The act of terror against Charlie Hebdo in Paris fills us with contempt, grief and despair. To the world of art it is horrible when bullet lead is turned against pencil lead. Of course this shows us that art can be perceived as dangerous. That art has power. May this power be used by all the artists of the world to continue the work of Charlie. This requires courage, solidarity and unity."