

Alain Villa Monteiro

AV-manager | Workshop Manager - Foto, Digital Printing
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Alexandra Harder Lindek

PhD student, Lab for Sustainability and Design
Lab for Play and Design

Allan Schmidt

Communications Designer and Event Designer, teaches cross-disciplinary subjects

Ana Catarina Cabral

Teaching Assistant Professor, Workshop Manager - 3D Print
Continuing education

Andrea Pedersen

Project Assistant
Accounting and project management

Andreas Stær van der Merwede

Project Manager
Study Administration

Anja Junge Taudal Dyngby

Study Administrative Employee
Lab for Play and Design

Anne-Lene Sand

Associate Professor, Lab for Play and Design
Lab for Social Design

Anne Katrine G. Gelting

Teaching Associate Professor, Lab for Social Design

Anne Mette Fosgrau

Teaching Assistant Professor, Workshop Manager - small 3D Form
Study Administration

Anette Flinck

International Relations Manager
Accounting and project management

Anni Patrzalek

Payroll Assistant
Lab for Play and Design

Ask Fogsgaard

Research Assistant, Lab for Play and Design

August Rizzi

Studieambassadør, medlem af DSR og repræsentant i bestyrelsen

Azadeh Zirah

Service Assistant
Lab for Play and Design

Barnabas Wetton

Teaching Associate Professor, Lab for Play and Design
Lab for Play and Design

Brian Jørgensen

Teaching Assistant Professor, Lab for Play and Design
Lab for Social Design

Canan Akoglu

Associate Professor, Head of Design for People Programme (MA), Lab for Social Design
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Cathryn Anneka Hall

Postdoc, Lab for Sustainability and Design
Lab for Play and Design

Cecilie Ann Alveniz Blicher

PhD Student, Lab for Play and Design
Accounting and project management

Christina Marie Andreassen

Management secretariat

Christina Stind Rosendahl

Quality Coordinator | Secretary of Research
Lab for Social Design

Christel Arnevik

Teaching Associate Professor, Programme Manager of Fashion (BA), Lab for Social Design
Career Workshop, Service

Elisabeth Lehner

Reception I Administration I Career Lab
Lab for Play and Design

Emilie Bech Jespersen

PhD Student, Lab for Play and Design
Study Administration

Esther Fuchs

Student Counsellor and Study Administrative Employee

Eva Kappel

Head of Education
Lab for Play and Design

Francesco Aloisio

Research Assistant, Lab for Play and Design
Study Administration

Francis Von

Office Trainee

Gitte Hviid

Reception I Administration
Board of directors

Hans Christian Asmussen

Bestyrelsesmedlem, ejer af NATION

Helena Kiær Troelsen

Studenterambassadør KA, Design for Planet
Accounting and project management

Helle Aarøe Nissen

Funding Adviser
Lab for Play and Design

Helle Graabæk

Teaching Associate Professor, Programme Manager of Textile Design, Lab for Play and Design
Accounting and project management

Helle Lauritsen

Accounts Officer
Lab for Play and Design

Helle Marie Skovbjerg

Professor, Lab for Play and Design

Iben Høj

Teaching Assistant Professor, Workshop Manager - Knit

Jakob Bladt Jensen

Teaching Assistant Professor, Workshop Manager - 3D Form
Lab for Social Design

Jannik Seidelin

Honorary Professor, Lab for Social Design
Lab for Play and Design

Jennifer Ann Skriver

Postdoc, Lab for Play and Design
Lab for Play and Design

Jesper Falck Legaard

Associate Professor, Lab for Play and Design

Jesper Hildebrandt Andersen

Teaching Assistant Professor, Workshop Manager - 3D Form
Lab for Play and Design

Jess Uhre Rahbek

Assistant Professor, Lab for Play and Design
Career Workshop, Study Administration

Jette Ladegaard Garnæs

Head of Study Administration
Lab for Social Design

Joan Pedersen

Teaching Associate Professor, Lab for Social Design
Accounting and project management

Jytte Susanne Møller

Lab for Play and Design

Karen Feder

Associate Professor, Programme Manager of Design for Play (MA), Lab for Play and Design
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Karen Marie Hasling

Associate Professor, Programme Manager of Design for Planet (MA), Lab for Sustainability and Design
Study Administration

Karina Sørensen

Study Administrative Employee
Lab for Play and Design

Karl Alexander Sejrup

Teaching Assistant Professor, Lab for Play and Design
Board of directors

Karsten Uno Petersen

Bestyrelsessuppleant, regionsrådsmedlem, Region Syddanmark
Lab for Social Design

Kathrina Dankl

Associate Professor, Lab for Social Design
Management secretariat

Katrine Schelde Madsen

Management Secretary
Continuing education

Kerstin Bro Egelund

Special Consultant | Head of Continuing Education
Accounting and project management

Kirsten Grønne

Accounts Officer
Accounting and project management

Kirsten Pedersen

Project Coordinator

Kristine Boesen

Teaching Assistant Professor, Workshop Manager - Loom
Lab for Social Design

Laila Grøn Truelsen

Teaching Associate Professor, Programme Manager of Communication Design (BA), Lab for Social Design
Lab for Sustainability and Design, Lab for Play and Design, Lab for Social Design, Rectorat

Lene Nyhus Friis

Project Director and Head of Lab for Play and Design, Lab for Social Design and Lab for Sustainability and Design
Lab for Social Design

Line Gad Christiansen

Assistant Professor, Lab for Social Design
Lab for Social Design

Line Rebecca Rumhult

PhD Student, Lab for Social Design
Management secretariat

Line Willemoes Jørgensen

Rector PA | Head of Management Secretariat
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Liv Johanne Eskholm

Teaching Associate Professor, Programme Manager of Accessory Design (BA), Lab for Sustainability and Design
Management secretariat

Lone Dalsgaard André

Senior Consultant
Study Administration

Lotte Kiil Sørensen

Study Administrative Employee
Lab for Play and Design

Louise Aagaard

Assistant Professor, Lab for Play and Design
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Louise Ravnløkke

Associate Professor, Lab for Sustainability and Design
Accounting and project management

Maja Christophersen

Project Coordinator
Continuing education

Majbrit Tastesen

Continuing Education Coordinator
Media Workshop

Marianne Baggesen Hilger

Senior Communications Specialist
Lab for Social Design

Maria Kirk Mikkelsen

PhD Student, Lab for Social Design
Lab for Social Design

Marie Kremer

Research Assistant, Lab for Social Design
Student Counsil – DSR

Marie Louise Junker Jakobsen

Repræsentant i bestyrelsen, medlem af DSR
Lab for Play and Design

Martha Lagoni

PhD Student, Lab for Play and Design
Lab for Play and Design

Mathias Poulsen

Postdoc, Lab for Play and Design
Board of directors

Merete Due Paarup

Næstformand, byrådsmedlem, Kolding Kommune
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Mette Julie Bundgaard-Nielsen

Teaching Assistant Professor, Lab for Sustainability and Design

Mette Thrane Frandsen

Event and Service Manager

Mia Lehtonen Madsen

Teaching Assistant Professor, Workshop Manager - Print Lab
Board of directors

Michael Qvortrup


Mikkel Hjerrild Mikkelsen

Teaching Assistant Professor, Workshop Manager - 3D form and Print
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Morten Krogh Petersen

Associate Professor, Manager of the Diploma Programme, Lab for Sustainability and Design

Morten Ussing

Teaching Assistant Professor, Workshop Manager - Sewing and Cutting

Mudita Agarwal

Studenterambassadør KA, Design for People
Board of directors

Nanna Ulrich Gudum

Bestyrelsesforperson, designchef ved LEGO Group
Lab for Play and Design

Nina Sofia Rüder

Teaching Assistant Professor, Lab for Play and Design
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Per Voss Nielsen

Teaching Assistant Professor, Programme Manager of Industrial Design (MA), Lab for Sustainability and Design

Pernille Mailand

Service Assistant
Accounting and project management

Pernille Thøstesen

Chief Financial Officer
Lab for Social Design

Richard Herriott

Associate Professor, Lab for Social Design

Rikke Hansen

Teaching Associate Professor, Workshop Manager - Press&Print
Board of directors

Rune Kirt

Bestyrelsesmedlem, CEO, KIRT x THOMSEN
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Sarafina Taudal Andersen

Teaching Assistant Professor, Lab for Sustainability and Design
Lab for Play and Design

Sigrid Vinther Hansen

Teaching Assistant Professor, Lab for Play and Design | Continuing education (maternity leave)
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Simone Aslak

Research Assistant, Lab for Sustainability and Design
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Sofie Bundgaard Holst

Research Assistant, Lab for Sustainability and Design (maternity leave)
Student Counsil – DSR

Sofie "Falk" Bruun Jørgensen

Forperson DSR
Lab for Play and Design

Sofie Kinch

Assistant Professor, Lab for Play and Design

Solveig Gubser

Teaching Assistant Professor, Workshop Manager - Leather, fur, footwear and Swarowski
Lab for Play and Design

Stine Behrendtzen

PhD Student, Lab for Play and Design
Lab for Play and Design

Sune Klok Gudiksen

Associate Professor, Lab for Play and Design

Tais Ines Holzhauer

Studenterambassadør KA, Design for Play
Lab for Play and Design

Thilde Hvidtfeldt Freiesleben Laursen

Research Assistant, Lab for Play and Design
Continuing education

Thomas Holst Madsen

Special Consultant, Continuing Education
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Thomas Zindorff Lagoni

Teaching Associate Professor, Lab for Sustainability and Design
Continuing education

Tine Teudt Jessen

Project Employee

Tommy Freudendal

Property Service Technician

Trine Louise Bernicken

Information Specialist

Trine Lumbye

Interim Rector (Head of administration and pro-rector)
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Ulla Ræbild

Associate Professor, Lab for Sustainability and Design
Lab for Social Design

Yanki Lee

Visiting Professor, PhD, Bevica Foundation Professorship on Universal Design
Lab for Play and Design

Vera Arianne Hijkoop

PhD Student, Lab for Play and Design
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Vibeke Riisberg

Associate Professor Emerita, Lab for Sustainability and Design
Lab for Sustainability and Design

Victoria Ankerstjerne

PhD student, Lab for Sustainability and Design
Lab for Social Design

Zanitha Hamilton Månegaard

PhD Student, Lab for Social Design

Kirsten Lund Jensen

kitchen Assistant

Jeanette Truelsen

Kitchen Assistant

Mariann Jensen

kitchen assistant

Simon Tesfamariam Araya

Maintenance Assistant

Annika Prinds

The Packing Department