Tutte Murmann has developed a sex toy designed for women with reduced mobility in their arms and upper body, who require assistance for masturbation or who simply wish to be physically relaxed during the act.
Student project

Sexual pleasure without physical effort

Tutte Murmann
Subject area
Industrial Design
Focus area
Design for People
Collaboration partners
Klinisk sexolog og hjælpemiddelskonsulent Helle Koldsøe
Tutte Murmann has developed a sex toy designed for women with reduced mobility in their arms and upper body, who require assistance for masturbation or who simply wish to be physically relaxed during the act.

Sexual pleasure without physical effort

The final project addresses the fact that sexual pleasure is both a source of great joy and a sensitive area, where many people with disabilities prefer to avoid the involvement of practical helpers. The design therefore also offers a safe solution where another person can assist with fitting the sex toy, without infringing on the user's privacy.