Forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt

Fur and Sustainability

Deltagere fra Designskolen Kolding
Else Skjold, Karen Marie Hasling, Ulla Ræbild, Sisse Tanderup, Lykke Bloch Kjær, Maja Lindstrøm Hansen
Forsknings- og udviklings projekttype
Forskning og udvikling
2015 - 2016

Else Skjold

LAB for Bæredygtighed og Design
LAB tema
Designer Life
Everyday Life
Organisational Life
Material Life
Copenhagen Fur
The project sets out to create new knowledge about sustainability in textile and fashion seen from a broader perspective.

Fur and Sustainability

This is a research project in collaboration with Kopenhagen Fur, which, from a design research perspective, applies four different angles to fur and sustainability (user, designs, memory, and material). The project includes a user-oriented study specifically targeted at the use of fur and towards creating a better understanding of the meaning of fur in the consumer’s wardrobe.

The researchers working on the project have recently completed their Ph.D.’s at Design School Kolding within the field and thus add fresh knowledge and methods to the project.

The goal of the project is to create new knowledge about sustainability in textile and fashion seen from a broader perspective. In 2015, we also completed a study into the DNA of Kopenhagen Fur. In 2016 we intend to finish two projects that will contribute to the knowledge about fur and sustainability in a broader perspective.

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Christina Stind Rosendahl

Christina Stind Rosendahl

Kvalitetskoordinator, forsknings- og udviklingssekretær