REALvision Makeover Project

REALvision Makeover Project

Forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt

REALvision Makeover Project

Deltagere fra Designskolen Kolding
Esben Møller Rahbek
Rasa Pamedytete
Leyla Melis Aslan
okt. 2019 - maj 2020

Astrid Mody, Design School Kolding

Create it REAL (Anders Bod Lund, Key Account Manager and Weronika Korbutt)
Within the framework of the project REALvision Makeover Project, Create it REAL and the Design School Kolding have explored how the customizable slicer software REALvision could look if amateurs and experts co-created ideas of improvement. How could Create it REAL’s customizable slicer software REALvision look if amateurs and experts co-created ideas of improvement? How could the interface maintain a simple and streamlined experience, while simultaneously providing the end users with a level of control that lets them achieve their goals with 3D printing technology?

About the REALvision Makeover Project

Within the framework of the REALvision Makeover Project, Create it REAL and the Design School Kolding have explored how the customizable slicer software REALvision could look if amateurs and experts co-created ideas of improvement. How to structure the information and redesign the interface to make it both more intuitive and simple, while simultaneously supporting the different users' needs.

“The purpose of DigiHub is to establish business collaborations around digital development and transformation based on Design School Kolding's design thinking methods and to develop knowledge and strategies that can bridge industry, research and teaching.”


The purpose of the project was to enhance user experience by developing an intuitive and simple interface, which supports the different users’ needs through different settings.

Methods and results

The outcome of the project was a clickable prototype, built upon user-feedback and an iterative design process, aiming towards an improvement of the product.

The project was developed by using following methods:

  • Interviews and Desktop research
  • Usability testing
  • Card sorting workshop
  • Crazy 8 workshop
  • Prototyping
  • Prototype testing
“For the last couple of months, we have been collaborating on this project and ended up with a functional prototype, user feedback, and tons of design considerations to improve our product! We are definitely grateful for what we have we learned throughout this collaboration and we are looking forward to working with Design School Kolding again!”
Anders Bod Lund, May 2020