- Varighed
2 år / 120 ECTS
- Ansøgningsfrist
1. marts kl. 12.00
- Optagelsesprøve
- Nej
- Semesterstart
- September
- Studieafgift
€ 32,000 for 2 år / 120 ECTS point for ikke-EU-/EEA-borgere
- Sted
Designskolen Kolding
Designskolen Koldings kandidatuddannelse er for dig, som
- vil have indflydelse på din egen uddannelse og oplever, at du har det
- kan anvende din viden og praksis samt udfolde og udvikle dit designfaglige niveau fra BA-uddannelsen
- kan lide at udforske og har plads til undren
- er en vidensressource og måske har lyst til at indgå i kunstnerisk udviklingsarbejde
- har dyb viden og faglighed og samtidig formår at være pragmatisk og derigennem skabe forandringer
- har lyst til at blive bevidst som din egen faglige identitet som designer for derigennem at kunne bidrage til faget og til verden
Om kandidatuddannelsen
Det gør du i form af praksisnære opkvalificeringer med udgangspunkt i den højeste standard indenfor dit fagområde. Men også i form af projektarbejder, hvor du bliver udfordret til at udvikle fagområdets metoder og teknikker gennem arbejdet med problemstillinger inden for dit fokusområde. Sagt med andre ord, får du på kandidaten skærpet din bevidsthed om relevans og kontekst, samtidig med at du udvikler dine kompetencer inden for formgivning.
Gennem uddannelsen får du en høj grad af indflydelse på, hvordan du ønsker at udvikle din faglighed og specialisere dig i netop det, som du brænder for. Du får løbende vejledning af faglige eksperter, for hvem det er vigtigt at møde dig præcis der, hvor du er i din designproces.
Fra studiestart får du et specialiseret kursus over fem uger i designpraksis og prototyper indenfor dit fagområde, så du kan udfolde din formgivning på et højt æstetisk og funktionelt niveau. Det er essentielt, at du bliver klædt på til at sætte dine designløsninger i en relevant kontekst med en høj grad af finish og high fidelity.
Du vil i løbet af uddannelsen blive tilbudt forskellige værksteds- og teknologidrevne masterclasses.
Inden du ved uddannelsens afslutning afleverer dit kandidatprojekt, som skal udføres i samarbejde med en ekstern partner, kommer du i praktik og afprøver dine færdigheder og kompetencer.

Fem fagområder / subject areas
- Accessory design
- Beklædningsdesign
- Industrielt design
- Kommunikationsdesign
- Tekstildesign
Det er vigtigt, at du i din ansøgning vælger det fagområde, du ønsker at udvikle og udfolde dine designprojekter indenfor, da du vil få faglig sparring, vejledning og blive udfordret på dine praksisnære færdigheder inden for netop det specifikke fagområde.
Det vil sige, at hvis du eksempelvis har en bachelor i tekstildesign og ønsker at fortsætte med at udfolde dig tekstilfagligt, så skal du vælge tekstildesign. Ønsker du derimod at bevæge dig fra tekstilfaget over i feltet for kommunikationsdesign, skal du vælge kommunikationsdesign. Hvorvidt du bliver optaget vil afhænge af kvaliteten af dit portfolio set i forhold til det pågældende fagområde.
Kommer du med en bachelorgrad, der dækker flere af vores fagområder, skal du vælge det område, du ønsker at dygtiggøre dig indenfor.

Omayra Maymo, MA / xx / Industrial Design
“Sammen med dit fagområde beder vi dig vælge imellem 3 tematiske fokusområder. Fokusområderne er en unik mulighed for at koble og udvikle dit fagområde og din læring til emner og brancher, som du brænder for og ser dig selv bidrage til i fremtiden.”

Tag trygheden med til Mars af Maria Anna Jedryszek. Afsluttende kandidatprojekt 2021

À fleur de peau by Ninon Charlotte Louise Lê Van

Create, Complete, Endure, Express! af Bryce Duyvewaardt
Studio-faciliteter på Designskolen Kolding
På designskolen har du adgang til en række værkstedsfaciliteter efter forudgående instruktion. I værkstederne kan du arbejde med materialer og producere prototyper og konstant udvikle dit talent i relation til netop dit speciale.
Here you can find answers to a range of questions about the admission process at the Master's level
Is a specific grade point average required to apply for admission?
There is no required quotient for your qualifying exam. You must simply have passed.
Do I have a qualifying exam?
You can apply for the Master’s Degree Programme if you have a relevant BA degree or similar, see more info here.
If you wish to apply, you must submit your application online by 1 March in the year you wish to be accepted. Graduates of Kolding School of Design's Bachelor Programme are automatically accepted to the Master’s Degree Programme the year they graduate. If you wish to apply, you must contact the Study Administration by 1 March in the year you wish to be accepted.
I will not be passing my qualifying exam until the summer. What should I do?
If you will not be passing your qualifying examination until the summer, you should still apply at our website. However, you must state clearly that you are still studying, and upload proof of studies stating your expected graduation date from your current place of study, as well as a transcript of records (passed exams so far). As soon as possible you must send us your BA diploma, or a transcript of records stating that you have finished your degree. Design School Kolding must receive this on 1 August at the latest.
What should I do if I don't have a qualifying exam?
You may apply for exemption from the qualifying exam if special circumstances apply. The application must be in writing and be substantiated, and any relevant documentation must be enclosed. The application will be processed by the Study Administration. The exemption application has to be handed in along with the rest of your application for admission.
What should I do if I have a disability?
The school can make special consideration for certain types of disabilities. Applications for special considerations must be attached to the admission application along with all necessary documentation. The school must receive the application by 1 March in the year you wish to be admitted.
I have a non-Danish exam. Can I still apply?
Please go to 'Do I have a qualifying exam?'
I already hold a Danish Master's degree. Can I still apply?
If you already hold a Danish MA degree, you cannot be accepted to the programme unless special circumstances apply. Please contact the Study Administration if you have any questions.
I have a non-Danish Master’s degree. Can I still apply?
If you already hold a non-Danish MA degree, you cannot be accepted to the programme unless special circumstances apply. Please contact the Study Administration if you have any questions.
What does study programme mean?
The study programme is the programme you wish to follow. At Kolding School of Design, you have three study programmes to choose from:
• Design for People
• Design for Planet
• Design for Play
Are there any admission interviews?
Kolding School of Design does not conduct formal admission interviews. Instead, you are asked to upload a short film as part of your application. However, if we need you to elaborate on your application, we might subsequently ask you to participate in an online interview.
Can you tell me more about the film?
Please make a two-minute video pitch to present yourself and your professional background. For one of the two minutes you must speak directly into the camera.
Can you tell me more about the tuition fee?
There is not a tuition fee for the Master’s Degree Programme for applicants from EU or EEA countries. For other international applicants, the tuition fee amounts to € 32,000 for the full 2-year programme (120 ECTS credits).
For more information, please contact the Study Administration.
Are there any scholarships?
Kolding School of Design offers one scholarship. You can read more about it here
The Danish State Educational Support (SU)
The Danish State Educational Support (SU) is generally only awarded to Danish residents. If you are an EU/EEA student you may, however, apply for equal status in so far as the state educational support is concerned. You may be granted equal status according to:
• EU law
For details on how to apply, visit the website of the Danish Education Support Agency.
How do I apply for Visa?
If you are accepted, Kolding School of Design will begin the Visa application process for you.
All young people, who are taking a government-approved education can apply for at student flat. There is a housing guarantee for all students who move to Kolding in order to study. Please visit the website Studentkolding.dk
Some students choose to share flats with each other. You can look for roomies on https://www.facebook.com/groups/DSKDUNDERGRUND/ where you can also get in touch with your future fellow students.
Kolding School of Design cannot help you find accommodation – this is your own responsibility.
Materials fee
All students at Kolding School of Design have to pay a materials fee. According to Kolding School of Design's vision, the workshops are one of the most important elements. Kolding School of Design has several workshops, which all students have access to. The workshops supply various elements, which combined with the materials fee ensures, that the students have the materials necessary to ensure a high quality of the practical part of the education.
If you are staying in Denmark on a residence permit, i.e., if you are here for at least three months, you are automatically included in the Danish Health Insurance Scheme after you have a CPR number. This gives you the right to free medical treatment by a general practitioner and in public hospitals.
Please note that with a few exceptions, expatriates from outside the Nordic countries and the EU are not covered by the Danish Health Insurance Scheme until six weeks after the date of arrival in Denmark. Such persons are advised to take out personal health insurance to cover those first six weeks.
Please visit the website StudyinDenmark.dk
Start din uddannelse i dag
Vi har samlet al info om optagelsesprocessen på kandidaten, på en enkelt side, som vi kalder 'optagelse'.